Pan Tumaca or Pan con Tomate

Recipe: Pan Tumaca or Pan con Tomate

It took me more than 10 videos to get this video and it is dark, the toast fall from the plate, I am super serious, well...I hope the intension is important to you ;) . Also I ate half a baguete because I don't like to throught food away so I ate what I cooked. If I do more videos I will have to start going to the gym or be really good in the first shot.

CLICK HERE to watch the video I made with the recipe.


- 1 Ripe tomatoe.

- 3 Teaspoons of fresh extra virgin olive oil.

-  Pinch of salt.

- 1 Clove of garlic (optional).


1.- Cut the tomatoe in half, do not peel it. Use this tool to take the pulp out. You can use a blender but the blander leave the sauce more liquid and that is not the best but it is the easier, up to you.

2.- Add salt.

3.- Add the Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Remember as fresh as tasty. Look for the harvest date, best before doesn't say much to me.

4.- Move all.

5.- Toast your bread.

6.- Cut a clove of garlic in half and apply over one half of your toasted bread. if you don't like garlic don't use it. It is optional. Put the amount you like, don't use to much is you have a meeting ;)

7.- Put the sauce on the bread alredy flavoured with garlic.

8.- DONE.

You can keep it in the fridge for one week. The olive oil will preserve the ingredients because of its antioxidatns properties.

9.- We recomend you this variations, you just need to add them on top:

- Most popular in Spain: Jamon Serrano, Jamon Iberico o Jamon de Bellota, the best option but hard to find in a grocery store in Canada. You can use instead prosciutto.

- Tuna.

- Cooked ham. Is the one we show in the video.

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