How to choose an extra virgin olive oil when invited for dinner?

It depends a lot on what is served at dinner. Is it something raw? roasted? grilled? fried? Each cooking method gives a different weight to what the food is made of, and can be paired better or worse, depending on the particular intensity of each oil. For example, a more robust oil like Premium Picual Extra Virgin Olive Oil would be the best option to use for grilling a sirloin steak, rather than for something raw, like steak tartar which I would prefer Royal Extra Virgin Olive Oil. If, for example we were to cook a dish from Andalusia like Gazpacho, we would get a more precise result if using a Cordobes extra virgin olive oil like hojiblanca and picual; if the aim is to recreate a dish from Cazorla the best would be a juice from Cazorla's olives like Royal.
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