- Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) is the natural juice of olives, extracted using solely mechanical or other physical means, which comply with specific physicochemical parameters and satisfy a set of absolutely flawless organoleptic criteria. Olive oil is classified Extra Virgin when it is a sensorially flawless oil, that is to say, one that has no defects and, furthermore, its fruitiness is greater than zero, because all virgin oils have to reminds us of the fruit from which they come.
- Virgin Olive Oil (VOO) is the natural juice of olives, extracted using solely mechanical or other physical means, which must comply with specific physicochemical parameters and may present slight organoleptic defects of low intensity. An olive oil is classified as Virgin when it has moderate defects (up to 3.5 out of 10), and its fruitiness is greater than zero. Virgins are considered good oils as they remain a natural fruit juice with all its properties.
- Lampante Olive Oil (LOO) is oil extracted from th olive using exclusively physical processes and is defective because it comes from olives that are degraded or which have been incorrectly processed. According to legislation, it is not suitable for direct consumption and must be refined. An olive oil is Lampante when the oil has one or more defects of an intensity greater than 3.5 and must be refined for consumption. This refined oil is tasteless, colorless and odorless, so a small percentage of virgin or extra virgin is added and it will be sold in supermarkets as olive oil.
- Olive Oil (OO) consists on a blend of refined olive oil and virgin olive oils in a small proportion.